Pimp Your Chat and more
2023-09-22, 14:30–16:00 (Europe/Berlin), Backstage

Bridges, Bots & Integrations - what Tools, Addons, Hacks or Code snippets do you use daily to enhance your Matrix experience? I show you my 6 years worth of collecting scripts, Maubot configs, and stranger things - not to mention my own projects - and look forward to learning what you are doing as well!

Please bring your devices etc so you can show off your creations!

I started to host Matrix to own the chat rooms with my friends with modern UX and features while also getting nice tech with e2ee and hackability through being an open protocol etc.

At first, the chat experience was enhanced using bots providing useful services, quickly followed by shitposting bots and similar fun stuff.
From there, I expanded my personal setup with utilities such as reminder bot.
As I started hosting more and more services for myself and my community, a need for notifications about things arose.

Join me for a ride across all kinds of Matrix-based utilities and fun things, from reactbot to server update notifications, from weather forecasts to instagram-as-rooms, from GitHub bridging to custom stickers.

Whether you want to present or get started, this is the workshop to be - bring your own devices!


Matrix homeserver admin since 2017 - Matrix dev @ Nordeck since 2022 - Organizer of Matrix meetups since 2023

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